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Tutorial Programme 2023 (Online) at University of Cambridge, UK (6)

author: Zhao Yingnan Date: 2023-03-10 View:

The Psychology courses offered by a Cambridge University and supported by Jilin University provide a comprehensive overview of the theoretical and practical aspects of psychology, including topics related to feelings, social norms, and persuasion. The course aims to equip students with knowledge and skills to understand human behavior, mental processes, and how they interact with each other.

The course content includes several modules, each covering different topics related to psychology. The social psychology module covers the study of social norms and how they influence human behavior. Students learn about conformity, obedience, and compliance and how they are related to persuasion and social influence. This module also covers the different factors that affect social influence, such as group size, unanimity, and expertise.

In addition to social psychology, the course also covers topics related to emotions and feelings. The emotion and motivation module covers the different theories of emotions, such as the James-Lange theory, Cannon-Bard theory, and Schachter-Singer theory. Students also learn about the different types of emotions, such as primary and secondary emotions, and the role of emotions in human behavior.

The course also covers the different ways in which people persuade and influence others. The persuasion and attitude change module covers the different techniques of persuasion, such as the foot-in-the-door technique, the door-in-the-face technique, and the scarcity principle. Students learn about the different factors that affect persuasion, such as the credibility of the source, the message content, and the audience's characteristics.

Overall, the Psychology courses offered by the Cambridge University doctor and supported by Jilin University provide students with a comprehensive understanding of human behavior, emotions, and social influence. The course content covers a wide range of topics related to psychology, including feelings, social norms, and persuasion. The teaching methodology used in the course is student-centered, which encourages student engagement and participation. The assessment of the course is based on a combination of coursework and exams, designed to test the knowledge and understanding of the course material. The course provides an excellent opportunity for students to develop critical thinking and research skills, which are essential for a successful career in psychology.