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Tutorial Programme 2023 (Online) at University of Cambridge, UK (3)

author: Zhou Quan Date: 2023-03-10 View:

This winter break I attended a month and a half Cambridge tutorial course, in which I chose to take a sociology course. During course, Professor Max Beber led us through a study of social policy in Europe from the post-World War II period to the 2008 financial crisis, and also covered university education and social care in the context of the current social situation in the UK, which was very beneficial to me.

Professor Max encouraged us to speak up and interact with him in almost every class, and his tolerance of our speeches grew my confidence. It also made me realise that there is no perfect answer, and that speaking up is the only way to get your ideas tested and fed back, and to get a chance to improve yourself. And if you don't actively take the opportunity to express yourself, you will never be heard, no matter how perfect your ideas are.

Of course, this is not to say that expression comes first and nothing else matters. It is the content of the expression that determines whether or not one's words are worth listening to. Therefore, this course also taught me the importance of independent learning. Reading the literature assigned by the teacher carefully before class, communicating with the teacher in class, and adding to and reviewing it in time after class is a good learning cycle and a good habit that I have built up during this course.